
Things You Can Do To Prevent Mesothelioma And Asbestos Cancer.

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that affects the mesothelium or the sac like protective covering of internal organs. The main cause is exposure to asbestos. Therefore the best possible prevention is to avoid exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma takes about thirty to fifty years for making itself prominent. People above the age of sixty five have shown an increased tendency to develop asbestos cancer. The mesothelioma is more common in men than women.

Asbestos is a mineral that is very commonly used. Due to increased health risks the use of asbestos has been reduced according to government regulations. In spite of all the regulations asbestos is being used in many manufacturing industries where it is mandatory for production. The most effective prevention method is to limit the exposure.

Working in a company which uses asbestos is not safe. Looking for alternate employment would be the safest option. The companies have asbestos related safety precautions and one can ensure they are being followed. The commonly seen jobs that pose the highest risk of mesothelioma are:

1-Insulation manufacturing and installations.


3-Railroad workers

4-Workers in the factories

5-Asbestos manufacturing companies

6-Ship yard workers

7-Automotive repairs

8-Manufacturers of gas masks

Many old homes contain traces of asbestos. If you suspect your home to contain materials made of asbestos they can be tested in the laboratory. There are agencies dealing with asbestos removal and they can be contacted for removing asbestos from your home. Though it can be done by yourself it is safer to let an asbestos abatement or removal contractor perform the procedure.

Asbestos that is not disturbed is not considered a health hazard. But if there is flaking, friable ceilings and plumbing and if the building is built before the 1980s then there are chances that they contain asbestos and have to be removed safely. Public buildings like schools, office buildings, libraries, theatres etc are all prone to this hazard. The problem should be brought to the city authorities' notice. Living near someone who works near asbestos also exposes you to the mineral.

Asbestos can be transported through clothing, skin and hair. Even a few strands of asbestos can sometimes lead to mesothelioma.

Once you have been exposed to asbestos and have not yet been diagnosed with the fatal condition, there is still hope for you. If care is taken you might not even develop it. Blood tests can be done annually to confirm that you are well. There are other diagnostic tools that can be performed annually on asbestos exposed individuals to reconfirm their health status. These tests also aid in early detection when the condition is curable and can be controlled.

Smoking should be stopped since smokers are more susceptible to the onset of the condition if they have asbestos exposure history. Prevention is the best way out in mesothelioma since it is fatal if not diagnosed early.

To Your Health!

By: James S. Pendergraft

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Florida Abortions Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including Medical Abortions, physical examinations, family planning, counseling, laboratory services. Orlando Women's Center. Abortions Clinic.


Mesothelioma Lawyer, Treatment, And Support Information

Mesothelioma is a medical term refers to the development of cancer cells in the mesothelial tissue due to inhalation of asbestos fibers. This is a severe form of cancer that can be caused uniquely by asbestos fibers. Depending on the organ affected and its severity, mesothelioma is classified in:

• Pleural Mesothelioma , which affect the pleural cavity , thin layer of tissue covering the lungs;
• Peritoneal Mesothelioma , affecting the peritoneum, tissue that lines the abdominal and pelvic cavities;

• Benign Mesothelioma , the less severe of mesothelioma characterized by occurrence of noncancerous tumor cells in the pleura

Although severe, mesothelioma is still a rare type of cancer. About one person in a million is affected. In 2004, it was estimated that around 15 individuals to 1,000,000 were victim of the disease in the United States. No one knows for sure the percentage of this year, 2008, since the number is increasing. However, about 200,000 individuals die each year from cancers causing by carcinogenic workplaces, including job sites containing asbestos fibers, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Are the causes of mesothelioma are well known?

Yes. Whether it is pleural, peritoneal, or benign mesothelioma, it is caused by exposure to asbestos, an airborne mineral made of microscopic bundles of fibers according to US Environmental Protection Agency. Once enters your lungs, asbestos damage silently the tissue affected. The damaging effects can continue for years without any obvious medical signs. Usually, you start seeing or feeling symptoms 20 to 30 years after you were exposed to the pathogenic fiber.

Where asbestosis can be found?

In rare cases, you can be affected indirectly by asbestos contamination through your friends or family members who brought the fiber to the house from work in their clothes, hair or on their skin. However, the inhalation is, most of the times, the result of direct contact to the fiber in workplaces. Companies that are susceptible to have asbestos include:

• Extraction units: mines for instance

• Industries that manufacture asbestos products: textiles, friction products, insulation, certain building materials, etc.

• Places where asbestos is used as protection against heat

• Certain industries that specialize in shipbuilding, steel, foundry, glass manufacturing, etc.

• Construction industry, during renovation or demolition, or particularly during removal of asbestos, according to U.S. Department of Labor

What are the symptoms of mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is often considered a silent killer because it is completely asymptomatic at early stage. When they finally emerge, symptoms are not specific and are similar to other respiratory diseases and digestive tract infection, which makes the diagnosis difficult.

The most common symptoms of mesothelioma include abdominal pain and swelling, nausea or vomiting, intestinal obstruction and unreasonable weight loss. As the disease progresses, you may have other medical symptoms such as pleural effusion (accumulation of excess fluid in your pleural cavity).

Is there any treatment or vaccine against mesothelioma?

So far, there is no preventive vaccine against mesothelioma. However, there are therapies your physician may consider to treat your mesothelioma to help you cope with the disease. Earlier you have the treatment, better chance you have to be recovered. If you suspect you or a family member was exposed to asbestos, it is vital that you see a health care provider for early diagnosis; do not wait for symptoms.

Conventionally, mesothelioma is treated by surgery, chemotherapy or/and radiotherapy. Because mesothelioma is a life-threatening illness, you should thoroughly discuss each option with your physician before deciding a treatment. Make sure you have information about risk factors of the surgery; potential side effects of the chemotherapy and radiotherapy. You can also ask question about the prognosis; although mesothelioma prognosis is often heart breaking.

In case the diagnosis reveals you have mesothelioma, can you be compensated?

Yes. It is illegal in the United States to use asbestos in any industry. “The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) set a maximum exposure limit and include provisions for engineering controls and respirators, protective clothing, exposure monitoring, hygiene facilities and practices, warning signs, labeling, recordkeeping, and medical exams.” If due negligence, these requirement are not met in a company, and you become a victim of mesothelioma, you need to contact a lawyer for compensation.

Selecting a lawyer to represent your case should not be a negligible decision. You need an experienced mesothelioma attorney, one who has a record in helping asbestos cancer victims, who can help you get the financial compensation you disserve.

However, your health is worth more than silver and gold. The wise thing to do is avoid exposure or inhalation of asbestos.

Is there a center of support for mesothelioma victims?

Yes. In the United States, there are many groups and centers for mesothelioma Victims. In addition, there are qualified attorneys who can fight to help you receive the highest mesothelioma award. Do not deal with a so-called attorney who will refer you to another law firm; contact your attorney directly to discuss your case. To learn more, visit of mesothelioma

By: Raphael

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Raphaelo is a nutritionist who loves to help others in their health decision. To learn more, Please visit his of mesothelioma website


Mesothelioma New Cures On The Horizon For Asbestos Causing Cancer

Mesothelioma and Asbestosis exist without a cure. Singular methods of chemotherapy and radiation have gone through medical scrutiny only to be declared potentially ineffective. The secret to extending the longevity of life in mesothelioma patients, and reducing the searing pains of cancer and asbestosis, may be found in the magical mix of the next array of clinical trials and experiments involving combination drugs.

Mesothelioma is a disease with little hope. Scientific studies have shown that chemotherapy, radiation or surgery alone often have little value over choosing no treatment. A rare disease appearing late in life, experiments and trials for this cancer haven’t undergone the funding and urgency of the well-known cancers of the masses - yet research for treatment does exist. Pharmacies, hospitals, health professionals and scientists that are dedicated to curing mesothelioma and reducing its painful side effects continue to conduct scientific studies on treatment efficacy for mesothelioma and asbestosis, and strive to develop new treatment options that can improve the quality of life for asbestos diseased patients.

Killing a tumor isn’t easy, and mesothelioma does not regress like other cancers, even after lung surgery. Just as a mix of the right individual talents can produce a powerful team, so can a mix of the right medications and treatment produce a powerful solution. Elementary science best demonstrates this with baking soda and vinegar. Each product has their unique properties that serve product-specific purposes, but when mixed together they can produce a volcanic effect. Finding the synergistic effect from combination drugs and therapies that can debilitate or conquer asbestos related diseases is the goal of mesothelioma and asbestosis clinical trials.

A 2007 medical study added on three months to the lives of mesothelioma patients who participated in clinical trials that used the vitamin supplements of B12 and folic acid along with Emetrexed and Cisplatin, when compared to mesothelioma patients that received Cisplatin without any supplements. Three months may not seem long to a person embraced in the rush of life, but it is a gift of life to the cancer sufferer facing imminent death.

Doxorubicin, a cancer drug for asbestos disease that’s been around for a while, is now being combined with Onconase. Doxorubicin damages the cancer cells, but the cancer cells can heal. Onconase is a drug that goes in and blocks the healing process. A similar clinical study is being done with Pemetrexed disodium, a drug classically prescribed for mesothelioma, combined with Gemcitabine or Carboplantin to determine the better combination. This would compare the results of two powerful drugs that block cancer cell growth versus a combination of one of those drugs with a drug that damages cancer cells.

Mesothelioma and its close relative Asbestosis are expected to reach higher diagnosis rates in the future. Asbestos use has been regulated in many countries, but its wide-spread use still remains. Hundreds of clinical trials for these asbestos diseases exist that will provide help, and maybe even a cure, for the asbestos-induced sufferers of the future. There is a light at the end of the long dark tunnel of mesothelioma. With continued medical research and clinical trials, the light will become brighter and brighter - until hopefully, mesothelioma will be left behind to become a part of the distant past.

By: Avi Solutions

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Who is at Risk for Mesothelioma?

by Robert Linebaugh

Mesothelioma, the deadly disease which has topped news headlines for the last decade, is contracted through exposure to airborne fibers of asbestos. Sadly, the under-regulation of asbestos usage in years past, and arguably still today, exposed millions to airborne fibers and as a result thousands contracted the disease.

It can be safely said that almost everyone in the world has been exposed to asbestos in varying degrees. Because of the unique nature of the disease, even those who have suffered only minimal exposure are at risk of contracting the disease. In effect, virtually everyone has some risk of contracting Mesothelioma.

But this sort of statement perhaps oversteps the bounds of rationality. While it is certainly true that individuals who have been exposed to small amounts of asbestos for relatively short periods of time have contracted the disease, this is a rarity rather than a regularity. In fact, the vast majority of Mesothelioma cases involve individuals who were exposed to airborne asbestos fibers for intense and extended periods of time.

The industries most in danger of prolonged exposure and thus of contraction are shipbuilding trades, asbestos mining and milling, textile manufacturing, insulation work in construction, and brake repair personnel. There are, however, some other minor factors which can affect the likelihood of contracting the disease. Among these is radiation exposure. There have been causes in which individuals who were exposed to radiation have subsequently displayed signs of and ultimately contracted mesothelioma. However, empirical studies to attempt to verify this correlation have not proven out this claim very strongly.

Another more certain cause of the disease was the taking of the Polio vaccine between 1955 and 1963. Some batches of this vaccine were contaminated with Simian Virus 40 which has been detected in a host of rare cancers including Mesothelioma.

Those involved in construction or who lived in homes in the Cappadocian region of Turkey are also particularly at risk. In this region, homebuilders used Erionite, which is a type of zeolite silica stone. Exposure to the fibrous strands of this building material have led to an annual death rate of roughly 1% of the population which dies of mesothelioma each year in Turkey.

One of the most influential factors affecting Mesothelioma contraction is genetics. Some individuals who have been exposed to long periods and high quantities of asbestos have not contracted the disease. As a result, doctors have concluded that genetics play a major role in determining whether or not patients contract the disease. Unfortunately, the gene variability which offers some resistance to the disease also means that some are particularly vulnerable to asbestos exposure.

Robert Linebaugh writes about health issues, and focuses on mesothelioma. Learn more at http://www.justmeso.com .
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